Thursday, January 27, 2011


What are the advantages and disadvantages of socializing interfaces like Facebook, Twitter, Ooovo, etc?


  1. You need to be careful what you say because if you put something bad then the wrong person could see it and you could get in tourble. But it's good to stay in touch with your friends and family.

  2. I think facebook can cause a lot of unnecessary drama. But it's wicked addicting and that probably why everyone still has one. Plus, it's a good way to find out stuff that's going on.

  3. facebook is a good way to bring people together, but it doesnt have the personal touch of a real conversation. important communication devices like body language and tone of voice are lost, which gives people a lot of freedom and sometimes too much courage.

  4. Having websites like these put unnecessary drama and stress in a person's life that isn't really needed. It also puts your whole social life online for everyone too see and stick their nose in when it's none of certain people's business'. Then again it is also a way to reconnect with people you don't talk to alot and keep in touch with people after highschool.

  5. The advantages are that you can easily contact and stay in touch with friends and family. Some disadvantages is that anyone can see it and it disrupts privacy and can start drama.

  6. Websites like the ones that you have listed are a part of millions of peoples daily routines. They are good sites so that people can stay connected with one another. A disadvantage would be that come people feel empowered when they are sitting behind a computer screen and say things online that they would never say to someones face.

  7. The advantages of social websites like Facebook/Twitter etc.. are that people get to connect with other people. People are able to find friends they haven't talked to in a while and also get to connect with family members who live far away. Disadvantages are that your whole social life is brought to light and everyone knows what's going on. Also if people put inappropriate pics or comments it may cause people to lose their jobs or not get accepted into college.

  8. Its good in one way because they allow you to stay in touch with your friends and your family. It may not always be good because once its said online, you can't take it back, because by the time you figure out what you said may have been wrong, so many people could have already read it.

  9. These websites are a good way to connect with people who you may have never thought you'd ever talk to again. You can stay in contact with family and friends. But, unfortunately, peoples lives revolve around these websites. They let everyone in on their business and allow people to know every aspects of their lives which can lead to trouble.

  10. Facebook has seriously taken control of people's lives. It causes unnecessary drama and everyone's information is out there for anyone to get. It's an easy way to keep in touch with friends and family but it can also be dangerous and ridiculous. Do you really need to tell the world what you're doing every minute? Not really.

  11. I think that Facebook is a great way for people to socialize and interact. Personally, I talk to more people on facebook then I do everyday and that helps me stay communicated with a lot of old friends. I do believe however that with a "social network" comes a lot of social issues like gossiping or rumor starting. I think that i've learned that if I don't involve myself in rumors and crap like that then I won't be burdened by it. I think that any social website is a healthy habit, however like every habit, it can turn unhealthy if used incorrectly.

  12. An advantage of Facebook is that you can stay in contact with people that you haven't seen in a while and family members. But a disadvantage of Facebook is that sometimes bad people can go on facebook or myspace and use it in the wrong way to verbally harm someone or stalk them. Also because if you involve yourself in rumors than they can start and spread quickly.

  13. Social networking sites are all the same. Before Facebook it was MySpace, and theres only a matter of time before the next big network is launched. I think that facebook is a good way to stay connected, but because its so addicting people are constantly on it adding pictures or updating status'. It really has taken control of so many lives and its been known to cause unnecessary drama. Granted you can control who you want to be "friends" with, the information you put out there about yourself and others is no longer private.

  14. I think that social networks great. Its a place where people can interact with one another and talk about things happening in their lives. At times it can be a bad thing, people just need to be aware of the things that they say and post on these sites. The things you say are basically available to anyone, you just need to be careful. Other then that social networks are just a place to talk to friends and say whats on your mind.

  15. I think that with all of the social networking we have today, that we will eventually lose the actually meaning of socal interacting. Yes, it is an easy way to find old friends and make new ones but it isn't the same as going out to socialize. Instead you're sitting at home at a computer. Also, it create more drama and bullying considering that you don't have to actually say it to the person. Instead you can just post something.

  16. I think there are a lot of advantages to social networks. Something like Facebook allows you to keep in touch with people just about anywhere in the world. For some of us that means family members in another country. Other networks like Twitter allow you to get caught up on current events as many news chains use it. Oovoo and Skype allow you to have a face-to-face conversation with someone. Sure, it's not the same as talking in person, but it's a step forward in social networking because you can't really hide behind your screen in a video chat, can you?
    The disadvantages are definitely there. Lack of a personal touch. Social interaction is taking a different course now. Being able to "hide behind" your gadgets doesn't promote real social skills and in fact promotes bullying. A social site like Formspring is safe haven for bullying as well as Facebook, etc.
    Overall, I think that social networks do serve a good purpose but take up too much of our time. It'll be interesting to see how people will change throughout the advancement of social networks.

  17. I think Blogging is good, but people tend to write their life story especially on facebook, and no one honestly cares, but sometimes it is good especially when you are having a bad day because some of the stuff people put as their status is actually funny.

  18. Social networking sites are a great way to meet new people and stay in touch with friends, however; people tend to start unnecessary drama on htese types of websites and say things that they wouldn't normally say to someone's face.

  19. Advantages of Socializing interfaces like Facebook and others is the direct feed back,able to stay in touch with friends and families while also being able to stream, surf, and use other programs. The disadvantages to sites like this is that your information is out in the world. People can just type your name in a search engine and then you could pop up as a topic for someone else to look into. So if you do something idiotic on one of these sites one of your future employers can search you and determine if they want to hire you or not.

  20. Social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter are good ways to stay in contact with old friends and meet new ones. But there are disadvantages to these sites. Posts, comments, and statues out on these websites can be seen by your friends but also by people that you may not know or people that you do not want to see it. So a way to fix this would be to be careful what you say online and what you but on these websites.

  21. Some of the disadvantages of using online social networks is that some people end up relying on them instead of actually talking to the person in reality. It sort of devalues the importance of face-to-face relationships.

    Another thing is that people are much different online than they are offline. Offline they might be nice to someone, but online they might express their actual thoughts on someone. They do this because they know the other person usually won't be able to do anything about it. (See: You can't punch someone through the internet... yet.)

    However, they're not all bad, since you can use social networks like oovoo to talk to people who've moved away. It's not as personal as face-to-face, but it's better than talking over the phone, as you can still see the person.

  22. one of the main disatvantages is the desocialization that these sites have on people, this lack of actual human contact has altered the community attitude in america, it has created a generation of anti-social facebook stalkers and i would even go so far as to say that cell phones are only helping to create more silent followers of the technical age.

  23. One of the big advantages is that people can stay in touch with people who are far away or people that they may not get too see very often. A major disadvantage comes when people come to rely on these sites as their main source of communication even with people close to them.

  24. Social media is a way to keep in touch, get away from the world for ... Roughly 4 hours a day (varies amongst different peopel); also, the blame for a bad test grade, because facebook and twitter take us away from our studies, ETC. ETC. ETC.

    but it is nice to have when we're bored. We can creep and it allows us to think we are doing something worth our time. Although, we could be doing something more productive than creeping on fb and constantly updating our newsfeed ! LIKE PRAYINGGG?!?!? Because everyone can use a little more prayer in their lives.

  25. Social Networking is a great way to keep in touch with those that you normally don't see on a regular basis. It also allows you to speak with people that you probably wouldn't in person, therefore, making it a little easier to do so when you actually see them.

    I find that there are many more negatives than positives about social networks. Facebook has become an addiction to many people. It's at the point where people spend all hours of the day on it. You begin to wonder, what is it about facebook that is so addictive? There really isn't all that much to do on websites like that, but for some reason, people seem to enjoy it so much. I think facebook is causing people to neglect the bigger issues in life, and focus more on insignificant things happening in everyone else's lives. More drama is caused from facebook than probably anything else in the past. People tend to just feel the need to post their personal feelings on statuses and others' statuses and comments. I think it's seriously dumbing down society, and something should be done about it.

  26. My opinion is that yes while facebook and myspace and twitter can be good for people who are distances away from each other to keep in touch, it's making our generation less talkative and sociable. Were relying more on the internet rather then our own selves to get a message across. It's harder to tell how someone's really feeling through website and they also cause a lot of drama beacuse instead of saying things to people we say it over facebook and then avoid the other person.


  27. I think facebook, myspace and twitter and all the other sites are good for communicating with friends and people you haven't seen in a long time, but they have their disadvantages. We're all probably getting tired of hearing that they are dangerous from our parents but in reality they're right. People out there can do stupid things and take your information. I think we should all be careful with what we put out there for the world to see
